Guest Ministers

Guest Ministers that have preached at AIFGC

(NOTE: Changes in the information below may have occurred since the last time it was updated.)

Evangelist Robert “Bob” Newton – Evangelist Newton is an up and coming national evangelist who founded Powerhouse Ministries.  Go to for current information. Evangelist Newton was mentored in part by Pastor John Honn when he first started in ministry.

Pastor Bob Burkett –  Pastor Bob Burkett was pastor of  Lee-Town-Assembly located at 2620 State Ave, Des Moines, IA 50317 .  They have a Facebook page…  It appears that Pastor Bob has since retired.  The current pastor of Lee-Town Assembly is Pastor Rocky Burkett.

Evangelist Harald Lam – Evangelist Lam got his start with the notable evangelist A.A. Allen back in the 1950’s.  He later pastored Fellowship Revival Center in the Quad Cities area of Iowa and Illinois while occasionally  evangelizing in various parts of the US.  The church has since closed and Evangelist Lam is back into full time evangelism in the US.  Contact us on our contact page for additional information if needed.

Missionary Glenn Weid –  Missionary Weid is a missionary to Mexico.  He has been a close friend of Anchored in Faith for many years.  Evangelist Weid fits in so well with the Hispanic locals in Mexico that he is able to minister in areas of Mexico that other missionaries fear to tread.  He has had several hair raising situations occur that God helped him through.  If you would like to give money to Glenn’s ministry, send your check to… Glenn Weid -Steadfast Ministries at 310 East Main Ave. P.M.B. 159 Alton, Texas 78573

Evangelist Jeremy Cook – Evangelist Cook lives at 460 East College Ave in Stanton KY  40380 .   He can be reached by phone at (859) 404-4007.  His ministry Facebook is .  He also has an audio podcast on .

Evangelist Dewayne Debrouse – Dewayne Debrouse is now the pastor of New Life Christian Fellowship in Des Moines, Iowa.  The church Facebook site is…

Evangelist Ray Pearson – Ray Pearson of “Right on Tyme Ministries” in Tiffin, Iowa trained under Pastor John and conducted many of the church services as assistant pastor after Pastor John Honn passed away.   His Wife Laura and his children helped with worship music.

Great Bluegrass Herons –  We have no additional information on this music group other than some information contained on .   Here is the pertinent information from that website…  The Herons call Sharon Center, IA., home.  Paul and Julie Roberts and Roberts’ cousin, Janet, and her husband, Mark Wilson started playing and singing together in 1991.  Singing bluegrass, gospel and old-time tunes in lovely close harmony, the Herons have appeared in several productions at the Old Creamery Theatre and the Iowa Theatre Artists Company as well as bluegrass festivals around the Midwest.